The new downloads monetization system
Receive a profit from each download
How it works
Your app will be installed a lot of times worldwide on Windows and MacOS
You will get loyal customers, not one-time installers
We show an offer to a potential user not at a random moment, but when they are ready to say Yes to your product. We do not conduct aggressive advertising.
No bots!
Our system filters out bots, so you only pay if your app is installed by real people who are ready to try your product. Multilevel filter screening bots leave no chance for bots.
Precise Targeting
Track users by country, city, language, operating system, browser.
Not enough? Set negative targeting for users who have already installed certain software.
1. Introduction of the search window
To start using a new possibility of search monetization, you doesn't need coding. Our team will help you develop a search box.
2. Searching process
When users start to search for information there are two ways to realize searching. Depending on the structure, the request will be redirected to Yahoo or Bing, or the search result will appear in your application.
3. Payment
You make a profit after each searching when your customers clicking on advertisements.
Direct channels - the highest turnover
We offer you the highest pay since we only use direct referrals from Yahoo and Bing.